To the clinician at the bedside…

Your voice matters.
Your perspective matters.
You are your patient’s advocate.

You see their minute by minute changes.
You hold their hand through the trying times.
You cheer them on while working with physical therapy.
You adjust the flow when they need volume and suction when secretions are high.
You make sure they are comfortable through procedures and long nights of uncertainty.
You continually assess pulses and mental status.
You update the family and explain medical jargon long after others leave the bedside.
You see when something new could improve their condition if initiated.
You notice when their oxygenator is starting to fail or their cannulas need adjustment.

When others feel discouraged and want to give up, you have the ability to change the course and encourage them to keep moving forward.
When alll hope seems lost, you can still make a different.

Never discount the ability you have to impact and improve a situation.
The times are difficult and stakes are high.
Your patient is counting on you.
When you feel alone, we are routing for you.
Cheering you on as you invest your time, energy, and skills for your ECMO patient.


The Crescent dual lumen cannula by Medtronic


ECMO Specialist Knowledge Assessment